Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Pairs:I mean it in dual context; the dancing boy n girl pair; n the pair of black with another colour. Each of these four works displays my liking for dance and the colour black which when with proper partners looks lovable. Black is beautiful n its co-colour magnifies its beauty,n dancing is wonderful-even more so with ones choicest partner.

Red Passion

Black n red here shows passion, with candles creating a romantic aura for the couple dancing in the spotlight. Texture is created with knives n blades give it a rugged,aggressive n energetic look.

Lovely Lavender

A dancing couple trying to reach higher, above the petty dirtiness down below, with music inspiring and aiding them to go up. Black coupled with lavender gives a very cool n pleasant feel.

Warm Gold

The golden couple in a gracefully warm posture, throwing its reflection in the water. Black n gold make a great pair too. The bordered décor completes the warm lovable sentiment held while looking at it.

Adorable Green

Close dancing near the doorway n oh I love the “rose held by the mouth” gimmick. Black n green duo r here to do textured wonders. The dust obtained after trimming the board on which this work is done is used to texture the dancing silhouette.



A calm lake side evening hour. The birds gracefully in flight and the dark rocks feature out gracefully. Therz an interesting play of light in the skyline. 


I adore water in all forms…be it rain, snow, ice-cubes, steam, fog/mist, dew drops, rivers, lakes, ocean, waves n list goes on. Water flowing down from a height, then a still water strap followed by water flowing through the rocky terrain, over the stones and finally merging with the flowing river is amazing.

Female Power


The soft delicacy of the rose petals across ones face is best felt with eyes closed. Its best to ignore the thorns, though acknowledging their presence- as it is with most examples we encounter in life; with both soft n thorny counters… the beauty of the feel is expressed with a coloured facial frontal against its same in black n white….


It’s a state of mind in which v r in a rendezvous with r own self, to sit back n know oneself, ours needs, our deeds, their repercussions on others, to know where do we stand in life, n where is it that v r headed, it is where v want to head, grade ur own self not others…n lots more... “Introspection” a whole new world within…


The colour red n women are the two things one can easily associate with attraction n here a woman in red can surely entice n hold gaze. My favorite is the delicacy of the face and the net-like texture of the fabric on the woman.


More than half of one’s life goes waiting for something… it’s the worst inescapable phase. Wait for something- love, success, prosperity, happiness… with the light of hope to see it coming even in the darkest hour… n even with companions around u r almost always alone in ur “wait”.

Virtue Vs. Vice

When we look at a person (that explains the binocular vision cut), that person has both positive and negative aspects...both angelic and demonic sides. Here I’ve tried to show that we must weight on the virtues of that person n give less importance to the vices, which will help bring out the best in everyone n help good win over evil.

A Wish

Most commonly associated to “make a wish” is a shooting star..Nobody knows if the myth is really true but we like to take a chance n make a wish…with time running out for so many of our wishes to come true, a hope somewhere in the heart that it might get fulfilled stays –so somewhere far on the sea-shore is a little lighted lantern of hope.

Cute n Shy

These are the two words that come to my mind when I look at this oil. The big shapely eyes try to peep shyly across the tree trunk with cute smiling lips. It’s a very bright, fresh and colorful vision.


A village lady accessorizing herself, looking in the mirror

Monday, October 25, 2010


Baby Blues

The soft cute gaze of the little one definitely  make ones heart melt and reach out to the plump face.


The naughty innocent eyes are the most striking feature that makes u stare at it a bit longer, also because it is the only coloured feature against the surrounding gray scale makes it stand out even more …the mysterious blue just gets absorbed deep within, and then oh the naughty play of toe in the mouth…truly adorable.


 What better than a baby…a sleeping baby to metaphorise innocence... so calm, peaceful, harmless, adorable… n the floral petals around add delicacy to the frame, letting the little one , the comforts of a flower bed.

The Untamed

White Tiger

Ever watched a feline, right in ur face, melt in front of u?? herez a chance.. he he…..  Well, the idea here is to eye a frontal close up… n that beauty of a yellow feline drops away before a white one…..

Speed,Strength n Snow

 White in all forms is pristine...heavenly beautiful… here, white beauty personified by white horses pacing through snow, appearing to emerge from snow clad peaks looks exquisite. Strength shown by the racing horsepower in snowy lofts makes speed, strength n snow a worthwhile title.


It’s a monochromatic painting; a pair of kute kittens with an illusionary blue hue …. Itz my world n anything is possible, even blue kittens…katz always have the most sexy, beautiful eye- all different with beautiful colour tints…