Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Pairs:I mean it in dual context; the dancing boy n girl pair; n the pair of black with another colour. Each of these four works displays my liking for dance and the colour black which when with proper partners looks lovable. Black is beautiful n its co-colour magnifies its beauty,n dancing is wonderful-even more so with ones choicest partner.

Red Passion

Black n red here shows passion, with candles creating a romantic aura for the couple dancing in the spotlight. Texture is created with knives n blades give it a rugged,aggressive n energetic look.

Lovely Lavender

A dancing couple trying to reach higher, above the petty dirtiness down below, with music inspiring and aiding them to go up. Black coupled with lavender gives a very cool n pleasant feel.

Warm Gold

The golden couple in a gracefully warm posture, throwing its reflection in the water. Black n gold make a great pair too. The bordered décor completes the warm lovable sentiment held while looking at it.

Adorable Green

Close dancing near the doorway n oh I love the “rose held by the mouth” gimmick. Black n green duo r here to do textured wonders. The dust obtained after trimming the board on which this work is done is used to texture the dancing silhouette.


  1. Lovely use of colours and form...

  2. All the paintings depict romance with life.Symbolic use of charcters is just awesome,gives impression of artists personality.topics choosen are touch various aspects of life .... brilliant work keep it up!
